Category: Conservation

Current Issues in Environmental Ethics

While many of us are aware of the many environmental problems we face, from climate change to endangered species, we often overlook the ethical issues that these problems raise. Environmental ethics is a field of study focused on what is moral when it comes to the human relationship with nature, and helps us understand how […]

The Importance and History of Forest Conservation

The pivotal role forests play in the global ecosystem cannot be overstated. Forests provide everything from powerful natural resources to massive environmental biosystems hosting thousands of vibrant species. Additionally, forests are producers of oxygen and are massive CO2 sinks, acting as foundational blocks to life itself. Without them, life as it is would not exist, […]

History of Air Pollution and Protection

Air pollution has existed as a health and environmental concern for centuries. Ignited by industrial revolutions across the globe and the use of unclean energy sources (coal, gas, diesel), air contamination has grown as a longstanding problem with numerous negative consequences.  Various complications arise from air pollution. Air pollution creates a myriad of health and […]